Tuesday, June 15, 2010

There's a Tater Tot in the Oven

Tim and I had our first appointment at 6 weeks. It was so amazing to hear confirmation from the doctor that everything looks good. For the first time, I think my eyes actually witnessed a miracle. There on the screen, we saw the baby's heart beat. The baby was only the size of a grain of rice at this point, not even visible on the ultrasound, but the heart lit up like a little firefly flashing on and off. The doctor said it was beating 120 beats per minute which was a strong, fast heart rate for this early, which is a good thing. We also learned our due date, January 18, 2011. We really couldn't be happier to have witnessed our precious miracle.


  1. Les & Tim--this blog is great. I will be an avid follower. Rob

  2. CONGRATULATIONS!!! Reading your two blog posts brought tears to my eyes! Scott and I are SO happy for you two! I will start to religiously check your blog so I can keep in the loop of your amazing journey ahead. Love you both and of course the little Tater Tot! ;)

  3. So your blog is now on my google reader and I will be checking it daily! I am SO excited for you both! Can't wait to be a part of "bump watch" and little tater tot's journey! God is so good!!!!!!! Love you both!
