Saturday, March 22, 2014

7 Months

7 Months, can it be true. I still remember you kicking in mommy's tummy and screaming on your way into the world. I want time to slow down, but at the same time I get so excited with each passing day as you learn and grow and explore. At 7 months, you love kicking in the bath, being outside, stroller rides, fruits, crinkling up plastic bags (totally safe) and paper, playing toys, looking in the mirror, tugging on drapes, crawling, chewing on things, attention from Mommy, paci, animal noises, airplane game, silly noises and being loved. You dislike when your toys are taken away, being tired, vegetables (especially the green ones), getting your nails cut, and being left alone. You love to talk and look at pictures of family. You sit, crawl and just about stand up while holding on to something. You finally are sleeping through the night, with a rough night here and there. I love you Jack and really my most special moments with you are just the everyday moments. I love when you smile at me, I love how ticklish you are and my most favorite...I love when you crawl over to me and grab at my feet waiting for me to pick you up. You make my life happy.

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Sunday, March 16, 2014

Weekend wrap up

I've been wanting to write to give a little wrap up of Tatum events lately. Things have been busy and fun around here. We have been enjoying story time, Irish dancing night at the library, St. Patrick's Day cooking, baby showers, daddy's birthday events, the farm, visits from Nana, play dates and more. Hannah is completely in the Disney princess phase. It's Disney princess all day every day around here. And yes, she lets sweet Jack be the prince. Jack is finally starting to sleep through the night. We stopped giving him bottles at bed time which makes his diaper less soggy and that seems to be helping a lot. There are still nights he wakes looking for his paci and we have to go in and give it to him, but so much improvement. He is sweet and cute and a very flexible little baby. He loves to sit and play with his toys and chew on things. I'm the boy who cries wolf here I know, but I swear teeth must be coming. He is a mover and goes all over the house. He is a very good army crawler and just recently has been able to crawl up on his knees. One of Jack's favorite toys is Hannah's talking Doc McStuffins doll. I know that babies prefer looking at faces so I'm sure that's why, but it's really funny that he will crawl across the room to get to this doll. Another new thing for Jack is that he is now noticing when I leave. He has never really liked being alone in a room, but now he actually recognizes when I go. I went back to work at 6 weeks with Jack, but I cried in the car for the first time just this past week. The mornings on the days I work are crazy because our kids get up early and we both are trying to get ready so it's a mad house. Anyway I had Jack downstairs playing and Tim was upstairs getting dressed. When I said bye to Jack and walked away he started to cry. It broke my heart. He knows his mommy is leaving. Of course his second mother Hannah jumps in to tell him it's okay but it just made me sad.

Cheering on Big Cousin Zane at baseball
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The Farm
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Thursday, March 6, 2014

"Say Cheese"

Today we picked up Jack's 6 month pictures and Hannah's 3 year pictures. My kids are just too cute I can't stand it.

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Jack's 6 month interview (answered by mommy and Hannah)

Favorite color: Green
Favorite Food: apple/blueberry mix
Least favorite food: Peas
Best Friend: Hannah
Favorite toy: "All of his toys"
Favorite TV Show: Mickey Mouse

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Hannah's 3 year old interview

What's your favorite color: "Purple"
What's your favorite food: "Macaroni and Cheese"
Who is your best friend: "Jack and Mommy and Granny"
What is your favorite toy: "My bike"
What is your favorite thing to do: "Painting with Granny"
What is your favorite TV show: "Caillou"
What do you want to be when you grow up: "Doctor"
If you had three wishes like Aladdin, what would you wish for: "A baby sister, a small white doggie to sleep on my bed and ummmm crayons." (well 1 out of 3 isn't bad)

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