Wednesday, June 23, 2010

10 Weeks Down, 30 to Go...

Today Tim and I had our 3rd ultrasound and the tot finally looks like a little baby. The doctor said everything looks perfect, exactly what he would want to see at this point. The heart was strong and the little arms and legs were moving. He said we were lucky to see movement this early because during the first trimester the baby sleeps the majority of the time. All of my blood work came back normal as well so we are off to a great start. We love having appointments because it is so neat to see how our baby grows. Today the baby measured 1 1/2 inches (10 weeks and 3 days). We love the little profile pic we got today. I think it has my big head (lol) and we like how it looks like it has hair (ps. it's not hair, it's the baby's arm reaching up on the other side). Thank you for all your prayers. I've had so much anxiety and now that we've reached 11 weeks with a perfect baby I just want to relax and enjoy. Our next appointment is in 4 weeks and we look forward to hearing the heart beat. We can find out the gender in about 7 more weeks... stay tuned


1 comment:

  1. Great photo. Not into the Zodiac sign thing, but I just looked it up. If your doctor is correct (Jan 18th) the baby will be a Capricorn. However, if you are late or he is incorrect, by Jan. 20th the baby becomes an Aquarius. Whatever that means. Rob
