Saturday, October 1, 2016

Snips and Snails and Puppy Dog Tails

I am the type of person who has to know the gender of a baby as soon as humanly possible. From the moment myself or anyone dear to me is pregnant I have the feeling that I must know. I don't like surprises. I just want to start bonding with my baby as a boy or girl, give it a name, get it's clothes out of boxes, paint the room, etc. That's when it all becomes real to me. I'm 15 weeks and had to go back for another ultrasound because of the hematoma. I was actually really happy to do so because I wanted confirmation of the gender. What you readers don't know (and don't be mad) is that we were actually told at our 12 week scan that tater tot #3 was a boy. We were all four in the room to hear the news. But something was different than previous pregnancies. With Hannah and Jack I was making phone calls before my feet even stepped foot in the elevator. I'm not sure if it's the fact that I've known more and more people getting the wrong results at early ultrasounds (including baby's newest cousin Ben who was a 'girl' for a few weeks) or if I just needed time to let it all sink into my brain, but for whatever reason, the four of us kept it to ourselves. With that said, I was very excited to hear confirmation at the 15 week scan. Well, the ultrasound tech was correct it's team blue all the way. My sweet boy is healthy and growing. The hematoma is gone! Jack was sitting next to me and so happy when they told him mommy can finally pick him up again. All along Hannah has guessed girl and Jack has guessed boy. I'm pretty sure he thinks he won something, but really it just means he has to share all his things. I kid, he did win. He won big, the biggest gift anyone can ever win. I am so happy he will have a brother and best friend for life. I hope they always realize just how lucky they are. Jack is the cutest and sweetest thing I've ever laid my eyes on. He is my snuggle bear, gives me 100 kisses a day and they must be "on the lips" as he says. He is always happy and gentle and kind. I pray his little brother is exactly like him. As for Hannah, she remains the sole princess. I know she will be the best sister to both her brothers and it gives me peace to know they both have her. I had to change my appointment to while Hannah was at school because she had her first girl scout meeting in the afternoon. She was disappointed that she had to miss the official reveal and requested that I tell her as soon as I saw her, so Jack surprised her with a gift at pick up. It was a very simple, but sweet moment for me to watch. I am a very blessed mommy!

Money shot is on bottom

Our littlest pumpkin is a BOY

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