Monday, September 5, 2011

8 Months Old

Hannah is 8 months old today, Wow! We will have an official height and weight check at the end of the month with percentages, but for now, my unofficial weigh in is 19 lbs. So what can an eight month old do? Hannah can sit, stand while holding on, reach up if she wants to be held, scoot around the floor, clap, and play peak a boo. She is very good at learning how to work her own toys. For example she know how to push buttons to make things pop up or to get the music to play. She also sits in the front of shopping carts. She eats three meals a day 7am, noon, and 5pm, plus a bedtime bottle. She loves her food and is a good eater. She wakes up at 6:30am, takes a 30 minute nap from 9-9:30 and an hour and a half nap from 1:30-3. Bedtime is at 8. And yes, she really is that scheduled. She does not like to stray from the schedule and you will pay for it if you try to adjust it. Hannah is happy and smart. Currently she loves any and all toys, mirrors, bath time, eating things, jumping like a maniac in the doorway jumper, playing patty cake, itsy bitsy spider and pretty much all songs. She also loves looking at plants and dogs (except wiener dogs, for some unknown reason she has an aversion to that particular breed.) We are currently working on learning to wave bye bye, and blow kisses. What can we expect in the near future??? A tooth, crawling, walking around the furniture, enough hair to make pig tails, and hopefully babbling mama.

Here is a picture from today

1 comment:

  1. I know I'm the nana but isn't that the CUTEST little girl in all of the O.C. What a smile. Can't wait to see the personality behind it. I LOVE Hannah!
