As our second month with Hannah starts to come to an end, I thought I'd update everyone on what she can do, what she is working on, what she likes, etc. It seems like yesterday we were in room 308 and now I'm boxing up her newborn size clothes which is really sad. Hannah is growing and getting cuter each day. I love her so much, I feel like my heart could explode some days. Here are some updates..
Next week we have an appointment with her ENT and pediatrician. I can't wait to find out how much she weighs, because my arms are getting tired holding her these days and we are dressing her in three month clothes. She still practices lifting her head up each day during tummy time so that milestone is kind of old news at this point, but I still thought I'd post a pic. She now smiles each day, but it's hard to capture a pic. I think I got a few cute ones. She still loves all things musical, being held, sleeping on mommy and daddy's tummy's, kisses and milk babas (yes, I'm still pumping...just call me the walking milk factory). She doesn't cry much anymore so the blow dryer hasn't been necessary. She also loves playing the stick your tongue out game (see below). Usually Hannah wins. Best news yet, she is so good at night and usually gives us one stretch of five hours (which means Tim and I get about four hours straight).
Mommy likes to play dress up with Hannah. She doesn't like it much, but is a good sport. Tim thinks I have lost it.
Stick your tongue out game...
She can now sit up using her Bumbo seat...our BIG girl
Holding her head up
Happy Girl
oh dear precious hannah! you are almost 2 months old and so cute. your mom and dad have done a great job holding you and giving you lots of love and making you feel secure in your new world. nana wants to play the stick your tongue out game with you soon. i love you from your nana