I have been taking a bump watch picture once a month which I will continue, but today you get a sneak peak early. Today one of my Assistant Principals decided to start her own bump watch and made me pose in the hallway. So here I am at 23 weeks. Month 6 is underway! This past week things have gone better which is a blessing and we haven't had any more problems (cross your fingers). We are feeling her kick and get more excited for her arrival daily. Lately Tim and I have been relearning nursery rhymes and practicing children's songs. It's been funny because the songs end up getting stuck in my head and I walk around work singing them to myself. And I assure you some of these are ridiculous. It doesn't look good when the Psychologist is singing "I'm a little frog and my mommy loves me" to herself. I'll probably get referred to therapy soon. Also this week, Babies R Us came to our apartment and fixed our dresser which made me so happy. With every new thing we receive for Hannah we just feel more and more excited. I can't thank you all enough for your love, thoughts, prayers, phone calls, gifts, letters, etc. Hannah is so lucky to be loved already. I know she will love each of you as well!
i hope i look as good as you pregnant! geez, les! you look great! eat a cheeseburger. :)