Thursday, September 14, 2017

6 Months

Collin James you are 1/2 a year old. Wow! leaves me in complete shock. Your daddy still thinks you are a tiny baby, but for me you are growing way too fast. You are truly the sweetest little boy. You are so happy and give the best smiles and giggles. Your happy place is with mommy and I hope it always will be. You love milk babas, watching Hannah and Jack act silly, and being held. Your dislikes are being left alone or being hungry. You sleep through the night like a champ now. I am so proud of you. You sleep from about 7:30-6:30 every night. You sleep with paci, or should I say 4 pacis which all end up under your crib every night. You eat baby food for breakfast and dinner and like it all. You drink 6 oz. of milk every 4 hours. You take one consistent long nap at 9am. Your 2nd nap is hit or miss depending on the activities of the day/school pick up schedules, but I try to squeeze one in about 1-2pm. This past month you scoot, roll, or drag yourself anyway possible to get around the house. You love hearing yourself talk and make funny screeches. You still have the prettiest blue eyes and sweet smile. You like playing with toys and chewing on your hands. Your doctor's appointment was today. You weigh 16 lbs. (19%) and are 25 3/4 inches tall (12%). The doctor said you have really good eye hand coordination and look perfect. You had to get 2 shots, but didn't even cry. You took pictures at JC Pennys last weekend so I'll upload those once I get to pick them up. Love you Collie Jamesy

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