Friday, November 10, 2017

8 Months

8 is my lucky number. Not sure why, I've just always liked it and today my baby is 8 Months old, and more importantly I am LUCKY to be his momma. Sweet Collin, you are crawling everywhere and into everything. Anything you find goes in your mouth. You love crawling after balls which ultimately roll away and then you crawl after them. I think it's adorable when they roll under the couch or refrigerator because you genuinely try to get them out and don't give up. It's too cute. You also like rattles, Elmo, Cookie monster, looking in the mirror, balloons, and looking at books, particularly ones you can feel or the funny farm one that has a finger puppet that looks like a cow. Any attention is good attention and makes you happy. You love going on walks and being outside, however you're undecided about grass. Your hair is slowly starting to grow and you have a few teeth that look like they might pop through any day now. You eat 6 oz. of formula at 7am, noon, 4 pm and bedtime. You get baby food in the morning and at night and have started enjoying puffs as a snack throughout the day. Your brother and sister love feeding them to you. You take one good nap daily from 9-11:30. Your 2nd nap is hit or miss depending on the family schedule for the day, but you are always a good sport. You sleep from 7:30-6:30 like a champ. You get your paci at bedtime which without fail ends up under the bed by morning. The more you put in the crib, the more that end up under the bed. You can stand while holding onto something and flip over at the most difficult times (diaper, dinner, bath, etc.) You are not a big fan of the car seat and don't like being alone. You will crawl to the closet person in hopes of being held. You say 'dadadada' a ton. I'm betting dada will be your first word at this point. You light up when Granny comes over (she watches you every Monday and Tuesday) and are intrigued by Molly the dog. I say it every month, but it is true, your eyes are beautiful and never go un-noticed. Different people of course say different things, but I think you look exactly like Uncle Tyler. 8 months has come way too soon and I'd like time to slow down. You are my precious baby and I love you.

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