Monday, April 10, 2017

ONE month

Happy One Month Birthday Collin. These last four weeks have flown by. I feel like we were just sitting in the hospital room. This last month has been such a joy with you. Simply put, being your mom just makes me happy. You are such a good baby. Our house is always loud, active, and crazy. We are constantly on the move and I joke that you don't know what silence is. You sleep through race cars, temper tantrums, piano practice, concerts, tv, etc. You go in and out of a car 100 x a day which sometimes makes me feel guilty as a mom, but then I look at your sweet face, resting peacefully through the chaos and tell myself you know you are loved. And that you are. You are so loved it makes my heart want to burst. You are adorable and make cute little faces. They say eye color changes, but I really think they are blue. Much lighter than Hannah or Jacks ever were. You rarely ever cry. You dislike diaper changes and being hungry, but other than that are happy. Your sister runs to your rescue whenever you're in need. She is very comfortable and confident with you and I think you trust her as well. This month she was Star of the Week at school and got to bring a special 'toy' from home to share. She chose to bring you. You were a huge hit with all the kids. Your brother Jack had a more difficult time at first wanting mom's attention, but is getting better with each passing day. Both Hannah and Jack love giving you baths. It's probably my favorite time of the day because after bath the four of us have 'play time' and Hannah and Jack bring you toys. I know you love their attention and I love seeing the blessing you are to each other. This month you seem to be growing very quickly. You eat 4 oz every 2-3 hours. You still obviously wake at night, but usually go right back to sleep when you are done eating. Your favorite things seem to be mommy holding you, eating, and getting love/attention from Hannah and Jack. You make little grunting noises and focus on various things in the environment such as lights. As a mom, I've been reflecting a lot lately on things I've done right and things I've done wrong. I think parents never stop doing that, but I feel like I've finally figured some things out after 6 years of this gig. I just feel happy with you. I don't dwell on being tired or worry that you're spitting, up or google poop color to see if yours is normal. That is the blessing of being the third. I just simply enjoy being with you and I'm trying to embrace our time. I love you so much sweet Collin.

blue eyes

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