Wednesday, January 17, 2018

10 Months

Collin is 10 months old and I can't believe a year is quickly approaching. I just want him to stay little forever. I'm a few days behind on the photos because this past week he had a bad cold with croup so his eyes were all glossy and nose all runny. He's so cute I waited to take his photo. Which i quickly remembered is basically impossible with a 10 month who doesn't sit still. He is back to doing well though, crawling everywhere, playing with Hannah and Jack, pulling up, trying to walk, and exploring. This past month Collin started saying his first word "Mama." !!! He usually says it when he needs something as he's crawling towards me. He truly is so sweet and I get so many comments about how he is the best baby. He can stand for a few seconds by himself before he squats down. Still no teeth, but is eating more and more new foods. He seems to like things with flavor as opposed to just individual pieces of fruit on his tray. He likes spaghetti and meatballs, bbq chicken with mac and cheese, and fried rice. He loves to play peek a boo and laughs hysterically when you kiss his belly or pretend like the spoon is stuck in his mouth when you feed him. He also thinks he's funny when he tries to share his paci with you. He still likes water bottles, emptying drawers, pulling dvds off the shelf, balls, pulling hair, and chewing on remote controls. He also really enjoys throwing anything onto the floor and having you pick it up (over and over). He still takes good naps during the day with one paci tucked under his belly. He and figgy are so much better with each other and I'm glad he gets to grow up with a puppy. He is starting to do a wave and we are working on clapping. Gramps taught him to raise his hands over his head any time he hears the word "winner." He has the sweetest smile and laugh. He makes me so happy and I am so blessed to be his mommy.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Heart Eyes

Happy 7th Birthday to big sister Hannah! This past week Hannah turned SEVEN! wow so crazy. She celebrated with her 6 dance friends at our house. It was an emoiji party and she had a wonderful time filled with dancing, strobe lights, photo booth, poop emoji cupcakes, crafts, games and pizza. I'm glad she had a happy day.

My Darling Hannah on your 7th Birthday,

I remember holding you in the hospital. The nights were long and sleep was minimal. You cried and cried, probably from frustration and hunger, but I didn’t know that at the time. I had never been a mom. I thought I was in over my head, but I loved you dearly and was so happy to be your mommy. I found myself singing ‘You are my Sunshine’ over and over. Throughout the years, I have continued to sing ‘You are my Sunshine’ to you and this year more than ever it feels so fitting as you truly do ‘make me happy when skies are grey.’ Your birthday has come less than week after Grandpa’s accident. The pain is still fresh and the tears still plentiful. You, as you always are, act as a rainbow on a stormy day, bringing happiness and joy just as Grandpa would have wanted.

Hannah, you truly shine in all areas of life. In school, you are simply outstanding. You read 103 wpm and comprehend at a 3rd grade level. Your teacher said you are top of the class in reading, writing, and math. More than academics, you are a leader. You are good and kind, you listen and follow directions, you do what’s right, and act with grace in all situations. Three 1st graders were awarded a character award for the first trimester and you of course were one of them. You were the only primary student k-2nd who moved on to the district level in the PTA reflections competition with your dance choreography entry and received a trophy in front of the school. You just got an email that you have been promoted again to compete again all of Orange County and are getting a special recognition at the Orange County Department of Ed. Your dance skills have taken off and you are so talented. Your dedication and passion is to be admired. You dance 6 days a week usually going straight from school to dance. You are competing your first solo this month and are very excited. Whether you continue with dance or not, I hope you carry the work ethic, poise, and confidence you have gained from dance with you throughout your life.

Hannah, you are an amazing sister. Jack wants to be exactly like you and Collin adores you. You are so patient with them, always sharing, teaching, nurturing and loving. This year you got the puppy you’ve always dreamed of. You deserved it sweet girl and seeing your emotion on the day she arrived is a moment I’ll never forget. This last year we welcomed a new baby brother (you got to be in the delivery room when he was born), enjoyed a family vacation to San Diego, trips to Bishop, Mommy/Hannah trip to Las Vegas (your first time to another state), time with family, sat in the front row at a Dodger game where you ‘caught’ a ball and were on the jumbo tron, started 1st grade, mastered a front and back walkover as well as numerous dance moves, lost your 1st tooth (and 2nd), had your first sleepover (and 2nd and 3rd), got a puppy, said goodbye to a Grandfather you loved dearly, continued with girl scouts, made new friends, tried ice skating for the 1st time, and enjoyed each day.

You are strong and passionate, smart and kind. You are protective, dedicated, loyal and driven. You inspire those around you and you make me proud to be your mommy. You love dance, American girl dolls, listening to music, making up dances, being silly with friends, dogs, the beach, emojis, writing stories, drawing, creating, Chinese food, sleepovers at Grannys or in Mommy’s bed, ice cream, and playing with your brothers. You dislike going to the doctor/dentist, getting shots, when someone you love is sad, doing homework, and riding bikes. You are the most beautiful girl. You are tall, gorgeous, have curly golden hair and as daddy says sport a ’20 pack.’ You are a girly girl through and through, but with 3 boy cousins and 2 brothers, you can hold your own with anyone. You are truly the light of my life. I love you dearly and I’m here for you always as your number one fan. Happy 7th Birthday!
All my love, Mommy

Saturday, January 6, 2018

In Memory of Grandpa

In the last week, I have been plagued by questions I simply can’t answer. Why did Grandpa die, why couldn’t the doctors save him, why didn’t he leave five minutes later, etc. I don’t know. I never will, but I know Grandpa is in Heaven free of pain, fear, and anger. I know we are left behind in shock, saddened by the loss, and questioning how to move forward. I know he loved all of us, I know he’d want us to be happy and enjoy life in his absence, and I know he believed in a higher power. His faith was steady and without doubt I know he is in God’s kingdom met at the gates by Bella the dog. I know he’d be proud of each of you and I know he looks down on you each day. In life, you will have people who touch your lives. People come and people go, but the good ones leave an imprint on your heart that last forever. They cannot be forgotten. Most people are blessed with two grandfathers. You have been lucky enough to have had three amazing grandpas. I hope you read this someday and know that without a doubt he loved you deeply. From the moment the three of you were born, Grandpa has been there loving you, playing with you, laughing with you, and teaching you. He was at your births (even held Hannah in the NICU) and will meet you again in death.

He loved the color green, soccer, ugly pumpkins, dogs, gardening, Peet’s coffee, history, telling stories, Chinese food, walking around Balboa Island with Granny, and cooking. He adored Granny and his two girls Auntie Mimi and Auntie Johanna. He attended everything that was important to you kids from dance recitals and competitions, to soccer games, preschool performances, school open houses, birthday parties and more. He had dreams of teaching you about wood working and I knew he’d get Jack his first ‘real’ tool set some day. Every year, beginning with Hannah’s first Halloween, he has brought you kids your first pumpkins of the season. He prepared feasts for all holiday gatherings and I feel like I can close my eyes and still see him carrying a cheese platter over to the couch for others to enjoy. He worked humbly and selflessly giving of himself to make others happy. He enjoyed many a sleepover with you kids and always woke early to cook his famous pancakes. It was only fitting that he left behind a bowl of pancake batter for us to eat on our first morning without him.

I hope you kids always feel Grandpa’s love for he is with you. I hope you find peace in the Lord, just as He did, knowing that God has a plan for each of our lives. I hope you share stories of Grandpa with your future cousins and grow up to exemplify some of the traits that Grandpa represented so beautifully…live humbly, love deeply, help others, spread kindness, act gently, give graciously, work hard, and believe in the Lord fiercely for whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Gary Lee Bye (AKA Grandpa)
August 28, 1953-December 31, 2017

We Miss You