Thursday, June 22, 2017

3 Month Pictures

Pictures are here:
I feel like the color got a little off when I scanned them because the whole reason I bought the really close up ones was to see his eye color, but you get the gist.

Summertime and the Livin is Easy...

Collin had his first beach day on father's day. You and daddy have not had the easiest first few months together, but I know he loves you more than he could ever express and would do anything for you. We spent father's day at Auntie Mimi and Uncle Kevin's house. It was your first time to the beach. You mostly just stayed in the shade with Granny where you were perfectly content. We did try your toes in the sand, which you seemed unsure of. Your brother and sister on the other hand had sand from head to toe. The day before father's day was Hannah's dance recital. You were absolutely amazing and slept in mommy's front pouch for over three hours of dancing while I ran back and forth changing Hannah. When you finally woke up, Hannah fed you backstage while I got her costumes put away and all her little friends just stood around staring at you. They all love you so much. I'm pretty sure all the girls go home and ask their mom's for baby brothers. You and Jack are both wonderful supportive dance brothers. Hannah loves to put you in the bumbo and then she practices and says you're her audience. I know Hannah will repay you someday by cheering louder than anyone at some of your games/activities.

Friday, June 16, 2017

Mother Knows Best

There is truly a special gift that God has given to mothers. It's a unique understanding of your children. A month ago I wrote about the really odd report from the doctor that Collin's head was greater than the 99% and that it had to be monitored to make sure there wasn't brain swelling. If you recall I went home and even called back asking them to double check because it just didn't seem accurate to me, but the nurse confirmed that yes it was greater than 99%. So being the rule follower I am I went back this week for our follow up. The doctor walks in, takes one look at the chart and starts apologizing. The nurse had entered the date wrong in the computer system. She had put the current date as both his DOB and the date which made it seem like he was just born with a two month old head. He felt so bad and apologized over and over. He returned our copay too. No harm done. So his head is right as it should be about 60% and my little Jack remains the title holder of the largest head. Collin is doing so well. He is super sweet and easy. He still wakes up a lot at night to eat (sometimes every 1 1 /2 hours) so this week we started a tiny bit of rice cereal for dinner. He really likes it and figured out the swallowing thing quickly. I don't think it's made any difference with the sleeping, but I'm glad he enjoys it.

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Three Months

My sweet baby Collin, you are growing too fast. Three months already and learning new things each day. Recently you found your hands and you are so close to holding things. If we put something light in your hand you can do it, but not reaching quite yet on your own yet. You rolled over for the first time (belly to back) on June 9, the day before you turned three months. Jack and I were playing with you on the floor and you did it over and over again. You are making little cooing sounds and are very alert. You still love mommy, the swing, milk, and bath. I think you are a very good boy! You still wake up frequently at night to eat (4 oz. every 2-3 hours). You usually take 3 naps per day, but they aren't exactly scheduled yet. Your current nicknames include: Colly, Calls, Callipotomous- and Collin Giraffeee (jack made it up, but for some weird reason it has stuck-so random). Your brother and sister love you so much. Nothing is more fun than seeing them interact with you. Your eyes are still very blue and definitely your feature that people comment on the most. I took you to JC Penny for your 3 month pictures. I've learned over the past 6 years to have low expectations on picture days, but you were perfect. No crying. We were in and out of there in 20 minutes and you looked super cute. I will post them all once I get them. For now, here are a few current shots of you.

Good News

A few weeks ago, Collin went to his surgeon consult with Dr. Gibbs regarding his large umbilical hernia. Currently the hole is 5mm. We won't know for sure until it's size is monitored over the next three months, but the doctor appeared very optimistic that surgery would not be needed. As long as it's getting smaller, he should be okay. He said the real issue is cosmetic because there could be so much extra skin that the belly button just doesn't look right, but I think he will be okay.