Wednesday, October 23, 2013

2 Months

Yesterday my little jack turned two months old. Jack enjoys being held, rattles, bath time and eating. His least favorite things are getting his nails cut and being ignored. He can push up on his tummy and hold his head up, smile, follow objects and is starting to realize he has hands. Jack is a good boy. At night he gives one four to five hour stretch. Then he wakes and wants to be held by mommy. I think he's the cutest thing ever and can't get enough. Today he had his two month appointment. He got two shots and did amazing. Just a cry when it went in then he fell asleep. What a champ. Hannah held his hand and told him to be brave. How sweet. His weight is 50% at 12 lbs. 1 oz. and his height is 85% at 24 inches. His head is large like Hannah. The doctor said he looks perfect. There is no greater blessing. Keep up the good work jack. We are looking forward to you holding toys and laughing soon.

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Sunday, October 20, 2013

3rd Annual Pumpkin Patch Picnic

For the last three years, the Tatums, Sciglianos, Markos' and Thomas' have been going to the Irvine park pumpkin patch. We make it special for the kids by having a big family picnic after the patch where the kids can run and play while grill master Derek cooks up the lunch. It's wide open space so the perfect place for the adults to chat and the kids to run free. Every year it is so fun, but this year was the best because the four older kids have so much fun together. None of them wanted to leave. They loved playing with sticks, the wagon, and just running around. I love watching them grow and interact. We take a group photo every year and it is so much fun to go back and see how they have grown. I really think this family event is a memory the kids will always enjoy and talk about. This year Jack and Emilee got to join in the fun. Jack was so good and just hung out enjoying the outdoors. He likes looking around and taking in the scene. Hannah had fun picking out our pumpkin. She always wants the biggest one there, but we settled for a medium sized pumpkin with a funny long stem that she likes. We are so greatful to have friends that are family. The four really do just treat each other like siblings it's too funny to watch.

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Monday, October 14, 2013

C & C

So I thought every now and then I could start a new fun little segment called "Compare and Contrast" where I'll take a photo of Hannah and a photo of Jack at roughly the same age and check out the similarities and differences. Who knows maybe sometimes I'll throw in a picture of me or Tim as kids and we can C & C those as well. I'm going to try and look for pics that have similar poses so we can really get a close look. I thought this first selection was kinda funny because they are both sticking their tongues out. I know it's more of a side view, but still very cute. Personally I think they look very similar, more alike each day really.

Hannah 9 Weeks
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Jack 7 Weeks
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Thursday, October 10, 2013

Happy Boy

Jack is a little over six weeks old and we finally got the sweet precious smile. The smile of real happiness not just gas. The smile that melts your heart, makes you run to your camera, and makes you say to yourself "you're doing good mom, he's happy." Three different people have told me they had seem him smile over the last week, but in my book unless mom sees it or you have video proof, it's not real. In my mind, Jack saves all his firsts for me. So here he is, his first smile! He's really cute with two dimples and when he does a huge smile he mouth is all crooked. We (Hannah and mommy) got these photos, by shaking a monkey rattle. I think Jack is also happy because Uncle Tyler is in town visiting :)

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Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Child of God

I know I have been missing in action lately, but adjusting to life with two little ones has been crazy. It's a beautiful chaos really. This past Sunday Jack was baptized at St John's Lutheran church. Baptisms are always emotional for me and having it done where Tim and I said our vows is even more special. So let me rewind to the morning of. I gave myself plenty of time to get myself and two kids ready and get to the church in time. Enter the chaos. Hannah woke up sick, laying on the kitchen floor, crying and with a fever. I had Jack's feeding scheduled perfectly so he had enough time to digest as to not spit up on his outfit (which was the same outfit Tim wore at his baptism 30 years ago). Well throw that out the window when thirty minutes before we need to go Tim breaks the kitchen sink and water is skyrocketing all over the kitchen. So now Tim's nicely ironed shirt is being thrown in the dryer Jack is screaming for food and Hannah is on the verge of vomit. This is all happening minutes before we need to leave. I swear I'm lucky if I remember to put deodorant on. Makes me flashback to Hannah's baptism and her poo-splosion at the church all over her white dress right before church started. Why don't we also throw in the worry over if the 90 degree heat or thirty mile per hour winds would ruin his outdoor celebration. It's in these moments I wonder if Satan is working in ways to keep us from Christ. To take us to the point of frustration and exhaustion and utter 'crazy town' that you overlook the beauty in the chaos. Enter beauty. With God, a little water, poop or illness can't over power the glory of his love. We made it to the church and Jack was baptized in a beautiful service. God:1 Satan:0. Pastor reminded us that Jack is a small but very important piece in God's plan. He was so good during the service and it is the most amazing feeling to watch as your child's sins are washed away. His godmother auntie Jamie and godfather uncle Tyler (all the way from London) were there to stand by his side. It was an amazing day and celebration for Jack surrounded by friends and family. Jack's baptism was the perfect reminder to see the beauty and not just the chaos. To enjoy every stick/rock/leaf and pinecone Hannah brings me, to enjoy eating ice cream with my family and not focus on the drips all over the floor, to rejoice in the small things like cuddles, first smiles (which happened today), late night feelings, looks of love from little eyes, hugs, cries for you to lay with them at night, books you've read so many times they are memorized, etc. God gives the little ones in this world a special gift. They seem to always see the beauty, wonder, and enjoyment and never the chaos. Time is short and life moves fast so today I choose to love the crazy and see the beauty in my chaos, I wouldn't have it any other way.

my mom took most the pictures on her camera, but I was able to snap this one
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