Thursday, August 29, 2013

Happy One Week Birthday!

I honestly can't believe sweet Jack has been in my life for a week already. In some ways it's hard to remember life without him and in other ways I feel like I was just at Hoag anxious to see his cute face. Jack is literally the dream baby (knock on wood). We had such a hard first few weeks with Hannah that maybe this is normal, but he is just so easy and good. Tim and I both laughed saying that if he was our only child we would be bored. Jack loves to eat and then goes right back to sleep. At night he goes four hour stretches and doesn't even need to be held. He never needs to be rocked or walked. We haven't even had to pull out the five S's of baby whispering. In his first week of life he has gone to the doctor and got a perfect bill of health. He also went on two short outings. Prep time for the outings is about two hours. I'm going to have to get use to going out with the kids because it's a bit crazy. His umbilical cord fell off around day five. We think he has blue eyes like daddy, but still hard to tell. He also got his first bath which was the most we've heard him cry, but as soon as he got his towel he was happy again. Jack had a special photo shoot and slept for two hours. He got an A++. Hannah is in love with him and seems really proud to be the big sister. I feel so blessed to be this little guys mommy. Each day I love him more. Obviously I am tired, but I just can't imagine life without him.

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Saturday, August 24, 2013

He's Here!

My sweet Jack Bryant, Mommy was so proud to welcome you into the world on Thursday, August 22, 2013 at 10:21am. Our journey together has been one of the best memories of my life and now that you're here I can't wait to see what the world has in store for you. Mommy had a doctor's appointment on the 21st and was already 4cm, 70% effaced. The doctor guessed you would be here in 24 hours and she was right. At 2 am mommy woke up with contractions and I knew you were on your way. I woke daddy and called granny to come stay with Hannah. We were so excited to meet you. The week leading up to labor was a little difficult due to terrible back pain, but labor and delivery was a breeze. You were so good to mommy and made things smooth and quick. You had so many loved ones there to meet you. Granny, Grandpa, Nana, Gramps and Hannah stood outside the deivery room door and heard your first cries. They even heard mommy laughing as I pushed you out. You came out lungs a blazing with lots of cries. You felt so light when they put you on mommy's chest, but really you were an average weight 7 lbs. 9 oz. You are also a long 21 inches. Everything about you is perfect and mommy loves you so much. You have had so many visitors during the first few days of life. I hope you always remember that from the moment you were born you were supported by friends and family who would do anything for you. You enjoy eating and sleeping. So far you seem like a really calm sweet baby who tries his best to be good. You were even giving mommy four hour stretches between night feedings on night two (knock on wood). My Jack, you started as a dream and became a reality, a secret only you and I knew until Christmas morning, you were a Christmas miracle and now a gift from God. You are my Jack and though outside of my belly now, please know you will forever be carried in mommy's heart because you are a piece of me and I love you more than life itself. Happy Birthday Baby Boy. Can't wait to document this next year of life as you experience the world around you!

This picture was taken moments before you were born. The doctor/nurses were saying "Time to have a baby." Hannah was such a proud and happy big sister. She waited patiently for you to be born.
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You were delivered by Dr. Flora who made the whole experience fun and easy for mommy
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First family photo
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Since the moment you arrived Hannah has been bringing you toys, books, stuffed animals, balloons, etc. She loves to sing you songs and say "It's okay Jack." She can't stop giving you kisses, hugs and patting you. She tells mommy that she can take care of you.
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On our way home
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I love you JACK BRYANT
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Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Farewell Baby Bump

Today is the post for my final bump watch pic. Month 9, week 37! Hard to believe we are here. Time really goes so quickly. Today I had my weekly appointment with the doctor and wow there has been a lot of action in one week. I am 3 cm. dialated. Which is crazy. 3 cm was active labor with Hannah. Some woman aren't dialated at all at 40 weeks, so 3 is considered big time. I am 30% effaced so still have a ways to go in that department and she made a big point of telling me how super low Jack's head is. She even had a hard time reaching the cervix because the head is so low it was blocking the whole thing. She said it is so low that there is no chance of a c section unless some really wierd freak thing happened. So basically, long story short, she said Jack could come tomorrow or it could be another week. I love getting the updates, but it almost makes you more anxious sitting around because you really feel like it could be any minute. I know 37 weeks is still early for the majority of women, but my mom had early babies and so far that seems to be my bodies natural tendency too. So with that said, dare I say it. If I had to guess, I'm thinking that my next post will have a precious picture of my son. CRAZY! Any day...stay tuned.

Bump Watch, Final Days with JACK
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And for a fun compare and contrast, Here is me at the same time only with Hannah.
Bump Watch, Final Days with HANNAH
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People keep telling me how small I look, which is kind, but I think they are just being polite. I don't know judge for yourself, but I think I am bigger with Jack. Hannah just looks pointier. With Jack I have gained 30 lbs. With Hannah I gained 22 lbs. Which is ironic because I'm being told Jack will be a smaller baby then Hannah. We will know soon!

Saturday, August 10, 2013

We made it!

I am so excited to say that we made it full term. Granted the march of dimes recently changed full term to be 39 weeks but 37 is traditionally known as full term where lungs are developed and baby is ready to go. Things are progressing very smoothly and I have a gut feeling jack will be here soon. Two weeks ago Tim found a 'worm' in the shower after I got out. Turns out doctor confirmed that it was the mucus plug. Since then contractions have picked up and as of last Thursday I was 1cm dialated. Ill get checked again on wednesday. The dr also commented that she thought jack would be smaller then Hannah. Can't wait to see. 21 days to go but could be any time now really.

Saturday, August 3, 2013


I believe I said this with Hannah, but it's a good point so I am saying it again. I honestly think having babies is the only time I have truly witnessed a miracle. Sure I have seen God work in many beautiful and amazing ways, but growing a human inside of you, now that is a miracle. There is nothing more powerful in my life that convinces me God exists then feeling kicks and punches from the sweet baby that has been created perfectly for you. I find comfort in knowing that God loves my children more than I do. I know they are exactly who they should be. He knows their birthdays, favorite color, future spouse, etc. all before we do. One of my greatest wishes for Jack is that he grows up to be a man of God. A man who walks humbly, yet holds his head high when expressing his faith. A man of good Christian character and a man who knows he is loved and has a purpose in this world. Anyway, I was thinking of this lately because I now wake up every two hours (almost on the dot) to use the bathroom in the middle of the night. Before I was getting up twice and now it's four times every night. Cray Cray much, yes! Not sure I ever get into a deep sleep. But last night as I was half asleep walking back to bed grumbling, it hit me. God isn't twisted who finds humor in making pregnant woman miserable secretly getting a kick out of every time we wake, but rather he is pure genius easing us into the road that lies shortly ahead. Basically the way I see it, is God will have me prepared for the every two hour feedings because my body is already getting into that rhythm. Seriously, He is truly amazing at master minding every detail. So for now I will try to praise him in ALL circumstances even going to the bathroom four times a night. Thanks God, good lookin out and thanks for creating my precious littles Jack and Hannah who mean more to me than life itself.