Sunday, May 19, 2013

Bump Watch: Month 6

Today I hit week 25. Only 2 more weeks and I am in the final trimester. Crazy how fast it is going. This past week we celebrated my 29th birthday. I also had a doctor's appointment on Wednesday. Everything is going smoothly, Heart rate was still in the 150s and when she put the Doppler on my stomach, he kicked so hard it startled the doctor and she pulled her hand away. Jack has been moving and kicking so much which is fun. At 25 weeks, the baby is finally starting to put on some baby fat and measures about like a Zucchini. Fingerprints are completely formed and unlike any one else in the whole world. We are getting really excited to see what Jack looks like. People ask Tim and I all the time if we think he will have curly hair like Hannah, be big like Tim, have blue eyes or brown eyes and I just don't know. All I can really picture is Hannah so I'm so excited to see. But for now, you must settle for seeing a month 6 bump pic.

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Saturday, May 11, 2013


Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers that inspire me each and everyday. You know who you are and I love you. It's not an easy job, but it's the most rewarding job in the world! I feel so blessed to have the best mom in the whole world and I feel so blessed to have the coolest kids ever. In addition to Mother's Day, it is also 'V-Day.' In baby land this is a big day. It stands for Viability Day. Little Jack is 24 weeks and can officially survive outside of the womb. We obviously want him to grow much much bigger, but it's pretty amazing to know our little man is capable of so much already. Baby Jack is now the length of a ruler or to continue with the food reference picture an ear of corn. Big sister Hannah weighed in at 28lbs. at her doctor's appointment last week and loves drawing pictures of baby Jack and kissing mommy's tummy. Jack, we are off to Disneyland today to celebrate, but Mommy will be thinking of you!

Friday, May 3, 2013


Four weeks ago Tim and I went to a special ultrasound place to determine if baby Jack had a cleft palate. They were pretty confident everything looked good, but wanted him to grow a little more and then do one more double check. Today Granny, Hannah and I went back, and the doctor said she got a view of the palate three times and it looks great. Having a child go into surgery is one of the hardest things in the world. Anyone that has experienced it knows you would do anything to take their place and yet you are helpless. So even though cleft is fixable and in the end not the end of the world, I am so grateful we will not have to hand over another baby and sit and wait while you know they are being cut up. Dr. gave Jack an A plus. With a 30 year old Daddy who's had open heart surgery, they also carefully identify each valve and make sure there are no defects. Exact words were "beautiful heart!" Yeah! all great news. Oh and yes, he is still a boy. Other fun facts, Tim felt Jack kicking for the first time last week which is always exciting. My latest craving is cream cheese. YUM and we registered for a few essentials. I will be 23 weeks on Sunday. At 23 weeks baby is the size of a mango. More accurately, based on today's measurements, Jack is 1 lb. 1oz. You can see in the 3D pic he looks like a baby now, but is super skinny. I feel so blessed and now that we have a name I feel so much closer to him.

All curled up: He saves the kicking for bedtime usually. I love the little profile. I hope he has Hannah's cute little 'Uncle Tyler' nose.
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3D Picture. I like how his little hand is up. Hannah kept waving to him. The blob on the left side is my uterus.
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