Saturday, February 26, 2011

"You are my Sunshine"

As our second month with Hannah starts to come to an end, I thought I'd update everyone on what she can do, what she is working on, what she likes, etc. It seems like yesterday we were in room 308 and now I'm boxing up her newborn size clothes which is really sad. Hannah is growing and getting cuter each day. I love her so much, I feel like my heart could explode some days. Here are some updates..

Next week we have an appointment with her ENT and pediatrician. I can't wait to find out how much she weighs, because my arms are getting tired holding her these days and we are dressing her in three month clothes. She still practices lifting her head up each day during tummy time so that milestone is kind of old news at this point, but I still thought I'd post a pic. She now smiles each day, but it's hard to capture a pic. I think I got a few cute ones. She still loves all things musical, being held, sleeping on mommy and daddy's tummy's, kisses and milk babas (yes, I'm still pumping...just call me the walking milk factory). She doesn't cry much anymore so the blow dryer hasn't been necessary. She also loves playing the stick your tongue out game (see below). Usually Hannah wins. Best news yet, she is so good at night and usually gives us one stretch of five hours (which means Tim and I get about four hours straight).

Mommy likes to play dress up with Hannah. She doesn't like it much, but is a good sport. Tim thinks I have lost it.

Stick your tongue out game...

She can now sit up using her Bumbo seat...our BIG girl

Holding her head up

Happy Girl

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Dad's Week Off

This last weekend was a busy one for little Hannah. We drove down to Orange County late Thursday night and she was great in the car, sleeping the whole way. On Saturday, Hannah got to attend her first baby shower and help spoil her friend Luke with love. She met many new friends and was very well behaved. Luke will be here in two short months and we can't wait to have play dates with him. On Sunday, Hannah had her baptism and again was a perfect baby during the church service. She was wide awake when the pastor was holding her and looked so cute. She did have a pre-service mishap when she pooped all over her baptism dress (but luckily it did wash out). Thank you to all that came to support her. It was a great day for our family to watch her join God's family. Her crying curve is definitely on the decline and we have been able to take her more places because of it. Today we drove up to the annual school psych conference in San Francisco to introduce her to our friends and she did great while we ate lunch. Yesterday she sat with me in a waiting room for three hours while Tim met with a doctor and she never cried. Everyone thought she was so cute and she loved the attention. We feel more blessed each day and just wish we lived closer to everyone because leaving friends and family is always hard.Tim has the week off from work so he is enjoying getting in some dad/daughter bonding time.

P.S. I know many of you were left in suspense. Tim's Valentine's Day gift to Hannah was a Minnie Mouse, a Dalmatian puppy, and a pink outfit with monkeys on it.

P.P.S. This last week she has started smiling a lot so I hope to be able to capture some good pics and share soon.


Monday, February 14, 2011

Random Thoughts

First, a fun fact… this last week the inevitable occurred when the lack of sleep finally caught up with me and I came down with a cold/sore throat etc. I started thinking that maybe Hannah got my illness and that was why she has been so fussy so I asked the Dr. This is when I learned my new fun fact. When you get sick, your body immediately starts producing antibodies. These antibodies are present in your breast milk as well. So it is extremely rare that a breast fed baby could get sick from a sick mommy. I thought this was so neat. Just another one of God’s subtle yet genius ways of helping mommies care for their babies.

Speaking of mommy’s, I have my six week check up on Wednesday. I’m feeling great so I’m sure all will check out fine. I can’t believe that typical maternity leave is up on Wednesday. Clearly whoever created the six week rule of thumb was never a mother because it’s just not enough time. There is no way I could leave her this early on. I feel blessed to have a husband who can pick up the financial slack while I take my additional six weeks of unpaid time. He’s the best! Oh and heads up, don’t be surprised when you see me, I cut off all of my hair. Yes, it’s VERY short. The man said to trust him and that this is the easiest ‘mommy cut’ to maintain. I hope he is right because I’m still getting used to it.

Finally, Happy Valentine’s Day to all. We took a little family picnic to the park yesterday and tonight we are sharing gifts. Tim bought Hannah a valentine gift because he wanted to be the first man in her life to give her a valentine. So cute, I can’t wait to see what he picked out for her.


Thursday, February 10, 2011

Crying Curve

Okay, it's rare that I do two posts in one day, but I think I found the answer to my fussy Hannah situation (described below). It's not that she doesn't love her mommy, it's something called the 'crying curve.' Research shows that crying peaks at 6 weeks.

Hair Dryer: It's More than Just a Styling Tool

Since the last post, Hannah's feedings have increased, but unfortunately the crying remains the same. She is clothed, warm, clean, fed, held, entertained, loved, stimulated, etc. You name it, Tim and I do it. We bend over backwards to entertain sweet little Hannah and sacrifice our needs to meet hers. Well what do you know, she prefers a hair dryer to her own parents. It's quite sad really, but if it works, go with it. Lately it seems the only time Hannah is content is when she is sitting next to a blow dryer. Tim has created very creative ways to attach the hair dryer to her bed, our couch, etc. It makes me sad that she prefers a piece of plastic to her own mommy's love, but it was a recommendation from one of the teachers Tim works with so I guess she is not the first baby to have this strange interest. Do other sounds work you ask? Nope, just the Revlon 1875. I think all new mom's should add one to their baby registry.

On a better note, Hannah is getting much better at night. This past week she has spent about 75% of the night in her bed and only about 25% of the time on my stomach. She really only wakes up to eat which is every three hours. She has also mastered lifting her head and making eye contact. The next big milestone we are looking forward to is seeing her smile. THe average is 4-6 weeks. Hannah is 5 weeks so I hope we see a real one soon (not just in response to gas, that doesn't count.)

Monday, February 7, 2011

1 month update

Today Hannah had her one month check up. She is average (50%ile) in both weight and height. She now weighs 8 lbs. 15 oz. and is 21 inches long. She also had to get her second Hep. B shot. Hannah has had other shots and had blood work drawn twice in the NICU and never even cried. Today was different. In the hospital they give the babies something called "sweeties." It's basically sugar water which helps with the pain because they like it. Today when the nurse came in, I asked when she was going to get the sweeties, but I guess they don't do that in the office only the hospital. So Hannah screamed bloody murder (takes after her mother). I still think she is brave. Hannah is doing great and passed the check up with flying colors. She has been crying more lately and has been more difficult to console. The doctor said we need to increase her food intake since she is a pound bigger and that should help. I hope she is right.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Martina McBride - In My Daughter's Eyes (LIVE)

Country Anyone?

About 5 years ago, my mom bought me the Martina McBride CD because she said this song made her think of me. Now I listen to it and think of my mom and Hannah. How lucky we are to have three generations of strong women. I can't imagine life without either one of them. I see myself in both of their eyes.

New Pics
